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Thanks for taking your time to check out the Creative Life Project® to discover its value for you or for someone you know.

So let's do this!

If you are motivated by living a life filled with meaning, passion, and purpose by developing and using using your unique creative potential, keep reading.

The Creative Life Project® is designed to power your Creative Mindset Transformation by providing you with a fresh perspective on creativity, and the essential role it plays in building and living your best life.

The three challenges of your Creative Mindset Transformation

  • Understand and embrace the essential role creativity plays in your life
  • Craft and use your new Creative Life Mindset™
  • Begin the practice of using the Life Skill of Being Creative™ to build and live your best life.

“We are living in a world where anything is possible.
Mindset is the most important asset you have.
Don’t restrict yourself.
Go Big, Go Bold.
The world is there for you to create your visions of the future.”

Peter Diamandis, Founder and chairman of the X Prize Foundation, cofounder and executive chairman of Singularity University.

Creative Life Project®

Creative Life Philosophy™

Our current world is the result of our creative expressions over time, and can both enrich and destroy nearly every aspect of life on Earth and the planet itself.

Creativity is one of, (if not the), most powerful human traits. Understanding and accepting the responsibilities associated with our creative development and expression can no longer be ignored, taken for granted, misrepresented, or left to chance.

Creative Life Mindset™

To ignite your creative potential, you need to hack your current attitudes and beliefs about your creativity, and recalibrate them into a new Creative Life Mindset™.

A Creative Life Mindset™ opens the possibility to use the Life Skill of Being Creative™ to build and live the life you want to live versus the life others want you to live.

Life Skill of Being Creative™

Having a philosophy embedded in a mindset provides the foundation for beginning the practice of Being Creative. Your Creative Life Project® becomes a commitment, to learn about and use the Life Skill of Being Creative™, to build and live your best life. The Framework is the organization of the content and practices for learning about, and practicing Being Creative.

Hack Your Creativity

The Hack Your Creativity™ process is for transforming your current thinking about creativity into a new Creative Life Mindset™, which is fundamental to the practice of being creative.

The process involves defining, deconstructing, and demystifying your attitudes and beliefs about your creativity to lay the groundwork for its ongoing discovery, development and expression.

Reframing the limiting beliefs about your creativity is the first step of your Creative Transformation.

Guess the number one regret dying people have according to the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)?

“I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”

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Principles of Creativity

to start clearing the cloud of confusion surrounding creativity, and start using it to enrich your life.

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